Filtration Skids Manufacturers
Filtration skids, meticulously engineered by Filtration Skids Manufacturers, cater to a wide array of filtration requirements. These include tasks like cell removal and sterile filtration of media, buffers, or process fluids, with seamless integration into diverse process equipment setups. The range of filtration skids spans from compact 1Rx6" units to larger 12Rx30" configurations, offering versatility for various industrial applications.
Salient Features
1. The Filtration Skid design allows for independent sterilization of filters and sterile piping. It includes a unique design for vacuum break and cooling using sterile air after sterilization.
2. There is a provision for cleaning the filter bell during CIP (Clean-in-Place)
3. The design incorporates features for wetting and integrity testing of the filters, ensuring that filtration skids maintain the highest standards of quality.
4. The inclusion of Code 25 adapters permits the use of standard filters
5. Sterile filtration skids consist of a pre-filter with a 0.45-micron pore size and a final filter with a 0.2-micron pore size.
6. System equipped with integrity connectors
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